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来源:原点资讯(www.yd166.com)时间:2023-12-03 14:10:16作者:YD166手机阅读>>





  1. back and forth
    音标:[bæk ænd fɔːθ]
    同义短语:to and fro
  2. beyond question
    音标:[bɪˈjɒnd ˈkwɛstʃən]
  3. by accident
    音标:[baɪ ˈæksɪdənt]
    同义短语:by chance
  4. by all means
    音标:[baɪ ɔːl miːnz]
    同义短语:definitely, certainly
  5. by bike
    音标:[baɪ baɪk]
    同义短语:on a bicycle
  6. by year
    音标:[baɪ jɪər]
  7. by no means
    音标:[baɪ nəʊ miːnz]
    同义短语:absolutely not, under no circumstances
  8. day after day
    音标:[deɪ ˈɑːftər deɪ]
    同义短语:every day, consistently
  9. door to door
    音标:[dɔːr tuː dɔːr]
    同义短语:from one house to another, house-to-house
  10. far away
    音标:[fɑːr əˈweɪ]
    同义短语:distant, far off
  11. first and foremost
    音标:[fɜːst ænd ˈfɔːrməʊst]
    同义短语:primarily, above all
  12. for certain
    音标:[fɔːr ˈsɜːtn]
    同义短语:definitely, without a doubt
  13. for ever
    同义短语:eternally, always
  14. for free
    音标:[fɔːr friː]
    同义短语:at no cost, without charge
  15. for sale
    音标:[fɔːr seɪl]
    中文意思:待售 同
    义短语:available for purchase, on the market
  16. frankly speaking
    音标:[ˈfræŋkli ˈspiːkɪŋ]
    同义短语:to be honest, honestly
  17. honest speaking
    音标:[ˈɒnɪst ˈspiːkɪŋ]
    同义短语:to be honest, frankly speaking
  18. to be honest
    音标:[tuː biː ˈɒnɪst]
    同义短语:frankly speaking, honestly
  19. free of charge
    音标:[friː ɒv tʃɑːrdʒ]
    同义短语:at no cost, without charge
  20. from beginning to end
    音标:[frɒm bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ tuː ɛnd]
    同义短语:from start to finish, throughout
  21. from now on 音
    标:[frɒm naʊ ɒn]
    同义短语:henceforth, starting now
  22. hardly ever
    音标:[ˈhɑːdli ˈɛvər]
    同义短语:rarely, almost never
  23. here and there
    音标:[hɪər ænd ðɛər]
    中文意思:到处 同
    义短语:everywhere, all around
  24. in a moment
    音标:[ɪn ə ˈməʊmənt]
    同义短语:soon, in a short while
  25. in advance
    音标:[ɪn ədˈvɑːns]
    同义短语:beforehand, ahead of time
  26. in amazement
    音标:[ɪn əˈmeɪzmənt]
    同义短语:with astonishment, in awe
  27. in any case
    音标:[ɪn ˈɛni keɪs]
    中文意思:无论如何 同义短语:regardless, anyway
  28. in conclusion
    音标:[ɪn kənˈkluːʒən]
    同义短语:to sum up, in summary
  29. in consequence
    音标:[ɪn ˈkɒnsɪkwəns]
    同义短语:as a result, consequently
  30. in detail
    音标:[ɪn dɪˈteɪl]
    同义短语:thoroughly, extensively
  31. in fact
    音标:[ɪn fækt]
    同义短语:actually, indeed
  32. in general
    音标:[ɪn ˈdʒɛnərəl]
    同义短语:generally, overall
  33. in no sense
    音标:[ɪn nəʊ sɛns]
    同义短语:absolutely not, in no way
  34. in haste
    音标:[ɪn heɪst]
    同义短语:hurriedly, hastily
  35. in no time
    音标:[ɪn nəʊ taɪm]
    同义短语:immediately, quickly
  36. in no way
    音标:[ɪn nəʊ weɪ]
    同义短语:absolutely not, by no means
  37. in order to
    音标:[ɪn ˈɔːdər tuː]
    同义短语:to, for the purpose of
  38. in other words
    音标:[ɪn ˈʌðə wɜːdz]
    同义短语:that is to say, to put it differently
  39. in particular
    音标:[ɪn pərˈtɪkjʊlər]
    同义短语:specifically, especially
  40. in person
    音标:[ɪn ˈpɜːrsən]
    中文意思:亲自 同义短语:directly, personally
  41. in public
    音标:[ɪn ˈpʌblɪk]
    中文意思:公开地 同义短语:openly, publicly
  42. in sequence
    音标:[ɪn ˈsiːkwəns]
    同义短语:in order, sequentially
  43. in short
    音标:[ɪn ʃɔːrt]
    同义短语:briefly, to sum up
  44. in summary
    音标:[ɪn ˈsʌməri]
    同义短语:in conclusion, to summarize
  45. in the beginning
    音标:[ɪn ðə bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ]
    同义短语:initially, at first
  46. in the future
    音标:[ɪn ðə ˈfjuːtʃər]
    同义短语:going forward, down the line
  47. in the long term
    音标:[ɪn ðə lɒŋ tɜːrm]
    同义短语:over the long term, in the future
  48. in this way
    音标:[ɪn ðɪs weɪ]
    同义短语:like this, thus
  49. in time
    音标:[ɪn taɪm]
    同义短语:on time, punctually
  50. in vain
    音标:[ɪn veɪn]
    同义短语:fruitlessly, without success
  51. in case
    音标:[ɪn keɪs]
    同义短语:if, just in case


back and forth 来回地

  1. They were tossing the ball back and forth in the park.
  2. The conversation went back and forth between different topics.

beyond question 毫无疑问地

  1. Her talent in singing is beyond question; she always receives standing ovations.
  2. The truth of his statement is beyond question; there is ample evidence to support it.

by accident 偶然地

  1. I bumped into my old friend by accident while shopping at the mall.
  2. He discovered the hidden treasure by accident while digging in his backyard.

by all means 尽管如此

  1. If you need any help, by all means, let me know.
  2. You can borrow my car for the weekend by all means.

by bike 骑自行车

  1. I prefer to commute to work by bike; it's good for the environment and my health.
  2. Let's explore the city by bike and enjoy the scenic routes.

by year 逐年地

  1. The company's revenue has been increasing by year, showing steady growth.
  2. The population of the city has been growing by year due to migration and urbanization.

by no means 绝不

  1. I am by no means an expert in this field, but I can offer some guidance.
  2. By no means should you underestimate the challenges of starting your own business.

day after day 日复一日地

  1. She practiced the piano day after day to improve her skills.
  2. The construction workers toiled day after day to complete the project on time.

door to door 逐户地

  1. The salesperson went door to door to promote the new product.
  2. The charity organization collected donations door to door for the homeless.

far away 遥远地

  1. I miss my family who lives far away; I wish I could see them more often.
  2. The exotic island is far away from civilization, offering a peaceful retreat.

first and foremost 首先

  1. First and foremost, we need to ensure the safety of everyone involved.
  2. In this project, the client's satisfaction is first and foremost; we need to meet their expectations.

for certain 毫无疑问地

  1. I can say for certain that she will be attending the event.
  2. The outcome of the experiment is not yet known for certain; further analysis is needed.

for ever 永远地

  1. Their love for each other is for ever; they are committed to a lifetime together.
  2. The memories of that trip will stay with me for ever; it was an unforgettable experience.

for free 免费地

  1. You can download the software for free from the official website.
  2. The concert tickets were given out for free as a promotional offer.

for sale 待售

  1. The house next door is for sale; they are asking for a reasonable price.
  2. The antique shop has many valuable items for sale; collectors often visit to find unique pieces.

frankly speaking 坦率地说

  1. Frankly speaking, I don't think the plan will work; there are too many uncertainties.
  2. She told him frankly speaking that she was not interested in a romantic relationship.

honestly speaking 说实话

  1. Honestly speaking, I don't believe his excuse for being late.
  2. Honestly speaking, I think the movie was disappointing; it didn't live up to the hype.

to be honest 老实说

  1. To be honest, I'm not sure if I can make it to the meeting tomorrow.
  2. To be honest, I didn't expect the food to be so delicious; it exceeded my expectations.

free of charge 免费地

  1. The workshop is open to the public and free of charge.
  2. They offer free shipping and delivery, so you can enjoy their products without any additional costs.

from beginning to end 从头到尾

  1. She narrated the story from beginning to end, leaving no details out.
  2. The project was meticulously planned and executed from beginning to end, ensuring its success.

from now on 从现在开始

  1. I've decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle from now on, starting with regular exercise.
  2. Let's make a pact to communicate openly and honestly from now on to avoid misunderstandings.

hardly ever 几乎从不

  1. He hardly ever goes to the gym; he prefers outdoor activities to stay fit.
  2. She hardly ever eats fast food; she prefers home-cooked meals for better nutrition.

here and there 到处

  1. The children scattered their toys here and there, making a mess in the living room.
  2. The artist's paintings are displayed here and there in the gallery, creating an immersive experience.

in a moment 一会儿

  1. I'll be with you in a moment; I just need to finish this task.
  2. The bus will arrive in a moment, so please wait at the bus stop.

in advance 提前

  1. It's best to book your tickets in advance to secure your seats for the concert.
  2. Please inform us in advance if you have any dietary restrictions for the event.

in amazement 惊讶地

  1. The audience watched in amazement as the magician performed incredible tricks on stage.
  2. She looked at the beautiful sunset in amazement, captivated by its vibrant colors.

in any case 无论如何

  1. In any case, we need to find a solution to this problem as soon as possible.
  2. You should always carry an umbrella with you in any case, as the weather can be unpredictable.

in conclusion 总之

  1. In conclusion, the study shows that regular exercise has numerous health benefits.
  2. After considering all the evidence, the jury reached a verdict in conclusion.

in consequence 因此

  1. He neglected his studies, and in consequence, his grades suffered.
  2. The company made some poor decisions, and in consequence, they experienced financial losses.

in detail 详细地

  1. The report describes the findings in detail, providing a comprehensive analysis.
  2. The architect explained the building plans in detail, discussing every aspect of the design.

in fact 实际上

  1. She said she was busy, but in fact, she was just avoiding the task.
  2. The product claims to be organic, but in fact, it contains artificial ingredients.

in general 总体上

  1. In general, people prefer to have a work-life balance for their overall well-being.
  2. In general, the company has a positive reputation for its high-quality products.

in no sense 绝不

  1. His actions were in no sense justified; they were completely unethical.
  2. The statement made in the article is in no sense accurate; it is filled with misinformation.

in haste 匆忙地

  1. She packed her bags in haste, worried that she would miss her flight.
  2. He made the decision in haste, without considering the potential consequences.

in no time 马上

  1. With their teamwork, they finished the project in no time.
  2. The pizza delivery arrived in no time; they were very efficient.

in no way 绝不

  1. The company's actions were in no way acceptable; they violated ethical standards.
  2. His behavior was in no way appropriate for a professional setting.

in order to 为了

  1. She studied hard in order to pass her exams with flying colors.
  2. We implemented new policies in order to improve the efficiency of our operations.

in other words 换句话说

  1. He was being selfish; in other words, he only cared about his own interests.
  2. The project requires a lot of dedication and hard work, or in other words, it's not going to be easy.

in particular 特别地

  1. The CEO emphasized the importance of customer satisfaction, in particular, addressing their needs and concerns.
  2. The study focused on the effects of climate change on coastal ecosystems, in particular, the impact on marine biodiversity.

in person 亲自

  1. The author will be attending the book signing event in person to meet and interact with readers.
  2. I prefer to resolve conflicts in person rather than through email or phone conversations.

in public 公开地

  1. The politician made his announcement in public, addressing the crowd gathered at the rally.
  2. The celebrity's personal life is constantly scrutinized in public, with media coverage and paparazzi following their every move.

in sequence 依次地

  1. The students presented their projects in sequence, each showcasing their work one after the other.
  2. The dance routine was performed in sequence, with each dancer gracefully moving to the next step.

in short 简而言之

  1. The movie was a disappointment, in short, it failed to live up to the expectations of the audience.
  2. The project was challenging, but in short, it was a great learning experience for everyone involved.

in summary 总结起来

  1. In summary, the report highlights the key findings and recommendations for further action.
  2. The meeting discussed various topics, but in summary, it focused on budget planning and resource allocation.

in the beginning 起初

  1. In the beginning, she struggled to adapt to the new environment, but eventually, she found her place.
  2. The company faced many challenges in the beginning, but with perseverance, it grew into a successful business.

in the future 将来

  1. In the future, renewable energy sources will play a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions.
  2. The company aims to expand its market share in the future by targeting international customers.

in the long term 长期来看

  1. Investing in education is beneficial in the long term, as it leads to personal growth and career opportunities.
  2. The company's sustainability initiatives will have positive impacts on the environment and its reputation in the long term.

in this way 以此方式

  1. By using renewable energy sources, we can reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future in this way.
  2. The team implemented a new workflow system, streamlining processes and increasing efficiency in this way.

in time 及时

  1. He arrived at the meeting just in time, avoiding any delays or disruptions.
  2. The package was delivered in time for her birthday, making it a special surprise.

in vain 徒劳地

  1. He searched for his lost keys in vain; they were nowhere to be found.
  2. She tried to convince him to change his mind, but her efforts were in vain as he remained steadfast in his decision.

in case 以防万一

  1. I always carry an umbrella in case it rains unexpectedly.
  2. Please save your work frequently in case of a power outage or computer malfunction.


哪些人nt会不过关(nt第一次不过关 第二次会过关吗)

哪些人nt会不过关(nt第一次不过关 第二次会过关吗)


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