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来源:原点资讯(www.yd166.com)时间:2023-05-27 08:26:59作者:YD166手机阅读>>

[美剧] 末日孤舰/The Last Ship 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版

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=> S.

military escort CDC team requesting permission to enter Egyptian airspace.

=> 军方护送CDC小组请求进入埃及领空的许可。

Permission granted.

=> 许可授予。


=> 博士

Scott, off to the right, take a look.

=> 斯科特,在右边,看看。

He's on approach.

=> 他正在接近。

Visibility's good.

=> 可见度很好。

Time to target, three minutes.

=> 时间目标,三分钟。

- Roger that.

=> - 收到。


=> 两两为零。

- Roger that.

=> - 收到。

I see you.

=> 我看见你。

Status, green.

=> 状态,绿色。


=> 博士

Scott, prepare for landing.

=> 斯科特,准备着陆。

Putting down close to the LP.

=> 放在LP附近。

Twenty feet, 10 feet and we're down.

=> 二十英尺,十英尺,我们倒了。

Doctor, you've got five minutes.

=> 医生,你有五分钟。

This way.

=> 这条路。

There are 6000 quarantined in this camp.

=> 这个营地有六千个隔离区。

We have 387 dead.

=> 我们有387人死亡。

My staff is down to six.

=> 我的工作人员减少到六人。

I thought you were bringing more doctors.

=> 我以为你带来了更多的医生。

These are the latest to come down with the virus.

=> 这些是最新的病毒。

Once the spots come, they die in two days.

=> 一旦斑点来临,他们在两天内死亡。

I'm sorry.

=> 对不起。

Snowmobiles go to starboard Hangar F.

=> 雪地摩托去右舷飞机棚F.

Chief Spurling, Chief Lewis, we are getting underway at 1300.

=> 首席滚动,刘易斯首席,我们正在进行1300。

Let's pick up the pace.

=> 让我们加快步伐。

Yeah, I know all about the Naval Mountain Warfare Unit but never heard of a dog setting foot on a destroyer.

=> 是的,我知道所有关于海军山地部队,但从来没有听说过在驱逐舰上踩过一只狗。

- This isn't just a dog.

=> - 这不只是一只狗。

This is Admiral Halsey.

=> 这是哈尔西海军上将。

- And he's a mean operator.

=> - 他是一个卑鄙的运营商。

Yeah? Well, so is the Captain.

=> 是吗?那么船长也是。

You can just put that down Over there.

=> 你可以把它放在那里。

Be careful.

=> 小心。

That's delicate equipment.

=> 这是精致的设备。

I take it you're my new houseguest.

=> 我认为你是我的新房子

I'm Commander Chandler, ship's captain.

=> 我是船长钱德勒司令。

Rachel Scott.

=> Rachel Scott。

Sorry we had to take over your helicopter bay but it was the only space large enough to accommodate our lab.

=> 对不起,我们必须接管你的直升机湾,但它是唯一足够容纳我们的实验室的空间。

I got 217 men and women on this ship.

=> 这艘船上有217名男女。

Anything I should be concerned about? Oh, this? Uh This is just so we don't contaminate the work.

=> 任何我应该关心的事情?哦,这个?呃这只是我们不污染工作。

Not the other way around.

=> 而不是相反。

What exactly are you gonna be studying up there? - Birds.

=> 你究竟在那里研究什么? - 鸟。

- Birds? We are virologists tracking obscure microbes in hard-to-get-to places.

=> - 鸟?我们是病毒学家,在难以到达的地方追踪微不足道的微生物。

Pretty boring stuff, actually.

=> 实际上很无聊的东西。

We really do appreciate your assistance, Captain Chandler.

=> Chandler上尉真的很感谢你的帮助。

We're here to serve.

=> 我们在这里服务。

Welcome aboard, doctor.

=> 欢迎登机,医生。

Hit it.

=> 打它。

Roger that.

=> 收到。

Red deck.

=> 红色的甲板。

Bird's chocked and chained.

=> 鸟的ch and和链接。

Heading to the barn.

=> 朝向谷仓。

Damn, it's cold.

=> 该死的,很冷。

I can't feel my face.

=> 我感觉不到我的脸。

Granderson, tell me, do I still have a face? Yes, sir.

=> 格兰德森,告诉我,我还有脸吗?是的先生。

Though it looks like you could use some lip balm, sir.

=> 虽然看起来你可以用一些润唇膏,先生。

I should have taken that desk job in Miami.

=> 我本来应该在迈阿密做那个工作。

It is cold.

=> 很冷。

Captain's on the bridge.

=> 船长在桥上。

XO Slattery, let's see if we can get your frozen ass back to Norfolk.

=> XO Slattery,让我们看看我们能否把你的冰冻屁股送回诺福克。

- TAO, Bridge.

=> - 陶,桥。

- Bridge, TAO.

=> - 桥,陶。

Helo just dropped the target for our final missile test.

=> Helo刚刚放弃了我们最后的导弹测试的目标。

Target's 5 feet long, 2 feet wide, and in the icy water has no heat signature.

=> 目标的5英尺长,2英尺宽,并在冰冷的水中没有热签名。

Let's find it and kill it.

=> 我们找到它并*死它。

Scanning for target.

=> 扫描目标。

Scanning zone.

=> 扫描区域。

- Kill track 5205.

=> - *死轨道5205。

- : Target acquired.

=> - :收购目标。

- Target acquired.

=> - 收购目标。


=> 打破。

- Kill track 0845, aye.

=> - *死跟踪0845,赞成

MSS, kill track 0845.

=> MSS,*死轨道0845。

Missile ready to fire.

=> 准备射击的导弹。

- Missile clear.

=> - 导弹清除。


=> 两两零30。

Thirty thousand.

=> 三万


=> 三十五。

- Boom.

=> - 轰。

- Target confirmed, kill.

=> - 目标确认,*死。

Good afternoon, Nathan James.

=> 下午好,Nathan James。

This is the captain.

=> 这是船长。

After four very challenging months at the top of the world we have just passed our final test and I'm proud to say you did it with flying colors.

=> 经过四个世界顶级挑战,我们刚刚通过了最后一次测试,我很自豪地说,你们的确做到了这一点。

I'm asking the Pentagon if we can break radio silence today to make calls and e-mail.

=> 我问五角大楼今天是否可以打破无线电沉默来打电话和发电子邮件。

Bravo Zulu to each and every one of you.

=> 布拉沃祖鲁对你们每一个人。

Enjoy your success, because we're going home.

=> 享受你的成功,因为我们要回家了。

Gonna drop to 50 below.

=> 会下降到50以下。

Get them off the ice.

=> 把他们从冰上拿下来。

Aye, sir.

=> 好的,先生。


=> 博士

Scott, come in.

=> 斯科特,进来


=> 博士

Scott, are you there? Please respond.

=> 斯科特,你在吗?请回复。


=> 博士

Scott, come in.

=> 斯科特,进来

You have got to be kidding me.

=> 你一定是在跟我开玩笑。

We're so close.

=> 我们如此接近

We need to make sure the isolate isn't contaminated.

=> 我们需要确保隔离物不被污染。

- We need more samples.

=> - 我们需要更多样本

- It's all right.

=> - 没关系。

We can come back tomorrow.

=> 我们明天可以回来。

Ma'am, we've been trying to reach you.

=> 女士,我们一直在努力接触你。

CO wants you back on the ship.

=> CO要你回到船上。

You can tell the captain that I'll return when I'm ready.

=> 你可以告诉上尉,我准备好后再回来。

It wasn't an invitation, ma'am.

=> 这不是邀请,女士。

Right now.

=> 马上。

Captain's orders.

=> 船长的命令

Landing checklist complete.

=> 着陆清单完成。

Gear down and locked.

=> 减速并锁定。

Twenty feet, 10 feet, wheels down.

=> 二十英尺,十英尺,轮子向下。

- We can make it back for the Series.

=> - 我们可以让它回到系列。

- You don't think the Cubs are in it? It's the weakest division in baseball.

=> - 你不觉得小熊在里面吗?这是棒球最薄弱的一个部门。

- We were six games up when we left.

=> - 我们离开的时候已经六场了。

- That was June.

=> 那是六月

And they're the Cubs.

=> 他们是小熊。

Captain Chandler, you had no right to pull me from my work.

=> 钱德勒船长,你没有权力把我从工作中拉出来。

- I'm gonna go check on the, uh-- - Yeah.

=> - 我要去检查,呃 - 是的

Those men are here to support me.

=> 那些男人在这里支持我。

You don't send them to bring me in.

=> 你不派他们把我带进来

- Those men are sailors in the U.

=> 那些男人是美国的水手




=> 海军。

- I say when I am done and ready.

=> - 我说我什么时候做完了,准备好了。

- I have finally found what I am looking for-- - Doctor.

=> - 我终于找到了我要找的 - 医生。

First of all, thanks for checking in.

=> 首先,感谢检查。

Think this is the first time you've said more than three words to me since we left Norfolk.

=> 想想这是我们离开诺福克以来第一次对我说过三个以上的话。

I am sorry that I haven't had you over for tea.

=> 对不起,我没有把你喝茶。

You know, your attitude was mildly charming back in June, in Virginia but up here at 50 below, when none of us have talked to our families in four months? Not so charming.

=> 你知道吗,你的态度在六月份在弗吉尼亚有点温和,但是在五十岁以下,当我们四个月没有和我们的家人谈话的时候,这种态度呢?不那么迷人。

- Yeah, well, charm wasn't exactly my pri-- - Still talking.

=> - 好吧,魅力不完全是我的首要 - 还在说话。

Now, I think I've been more than a gracious host.

=> 现在,我想我已经不仅仅是一个亲切的主人了。

Taxied you and your assistant around here so you can chase after your ducks.

=> 在这里向您和您的助手出租,这样您可以追逐你的鸭子。

- Arctic terns.

=> - 北极燕鸥。

- Need to wrap it up.

=> - 需要包装起来。

Our mission's done, and we'll be heading back.

=> 我们的任务已经完成了,我们将会回头。

I'll take a rain check on the tea.

=> 我要去茶水检查一下。

- Benzo, eat some fruit.

=> - 苯佐,吃一些水果。

- Oh.

=> - 哦。


=> 先生。

Chung, it's our last night at the North Pole.

=> 钟,这是我们在北极的最后一晚。

You got big plans, but don't you ever get your head out of that book? - Nope.

=> 你有很大的计划,但是你永远不会把头从书中拿出来吗? - 不。

- Okay.

=> - 好的。

- Lieutenant.

=> - 中尉



Danny, whoa.

=> 丹尼,哇。

- Don't do that.

=> - 不要这样做。

- Do what? - You know what that smile does to me.

=> - 做什么? - 你知道那笑容对我做了什么。

- All's fair in love and war.

=> - 所有在爱和战争中的公平。


=> 是啊。

- Kara.

=> - 卡拉

- We'll be home soon enough.

=> - 我们马上就要回家了

Hello, are you reading me? Come in.

=> 你好,你在看我吗?进来。

No, I cannot wait.

=> 不,我不能等。

This is Dr.

=> 这是博士

Rachel Scott.

=> Rachel Scott。

I need to speak to the national security advisor right away.

=> 我需要马上和国家安全顾问谈谈。

You don't understand.

=> 你不明白。

My mission is being compromised.

=> 我的使命正在被妥协。

I need more time to collect samples.

=> 我需要更多时间来收集样本。

We have a noisy channel.

=> 我们有一个嘈杂的频道。

I repeat, mission objectives achieved.

=> 我再说一遍,任务目标达成了。

We are ready to come home.

=> 我们准备回家。


=> 过度。

That's a negative, commander.

=> 这是一个负面的指挥官。

- The mission has been extended.

=> - 任务已经延长。


=> 过度。

- Extended? Why? Maintain radio silence and current position until you receive further instructions.

=> - 扩展?为什么?保持无线电静默和当前位置,直到您收到进一步的指示。

Transmission terminated.

=> 传输已终止。

What the hell is that woman doing? Quincy? I think we've got it.

=> 那女人到底在做什么?昆西?我想我们已经得到了它。

Sorry, man.

=> 对不起。

Did I wake you? Doc told me to keep my distance.

=> 我醒了吗? Doc告诉我要保持距离。

The admiral's scaring off the birds.

=> 海军上将吓跑了鸟儿。

- Sure it was the dog and not your breath? - Heh.

=> - 当然是狗,而不是你的呼吸? - 呃。


=> 随你。

Man, we should've been out of here days ago.

=> 男人,我们应该早就离开了这个世界。

- What the? - Aircraft to position seven-six-decimal-three-five-north - zero-five-nine-decimal-five-eight-east.

=> - 什么? - 飞机定位七十六小数,三十五北,零五九十进制,五八。

I have three-- Make that five unknown aircraft approaching, range 24 nautical miles, 80 knots.

=> 我有三个 - 使这五架未知的飞机接近,范围24海里,80节。

Those are not ours, man.

=> 那些不是我们的,男人。


=> 没有。

They're Russian.

=> 他们是俄罗斯人

- Come on! - We have to save the samples.

=> - 来吧! - 我们必须保存样本。

- Help me! - Leave the box.

=> - 帮我! - 离开盒子。

Let's go.

=> 我们走吧。

Rachel, leave the box.

=> 拉结,离开盒子。

Let's go right now! Come on! Let's go! Come on! Quincy! Drop them.

=> 现在我们走吧!来吧!我们走吧!来吧!昆西!放下他们

Drop them.

=> 放下他们

- Set General Quarters.

=> - 设置一般宿舍。

- General Quarters.

=> - 一般宿舍。

Man your battle stations.

=> 打你的战斗站。

Transit up and forward starboard side, down portside.

=> 上下左转,左转右转。

Unknown aircraft approaching.

=> 未知的飞机临近。

TAO, Air.

=> 陶,空气。

New air contact TAO surface manned and ready.

=> 新的空气接触陶表面载人和准备。

Deploy SCAT.

=> 部署SCAT。

CIWS to AAW Auto.

=> CIWS到AAW汽车。

Hold fire on.

=> 坚持开火。

Take him alive.

=> 把他活下来

- All engines ahead flank.

=> 所有发动机前方侧翼。

- Hard left rudder.

=> - 硬左舵。

All engines ahead flank.

=> 所有发动机前方侧面。

United States Naval warship.

=> 美国海军军舰。

Identify yourself and alter course or you will be subject to defensive actions.

=> 识别你自己并改变课程,否则你将受到防御性的行动。

Evaluate inbound missile.

=> 评估入站导弹。

- Recommend launch chaff.

=> - 推荐发射cha。。

Brace for shock.

=> 支撑震惊。

- All hands, brace for shock.

=> - 所有的手,震惊。

Take them out.

=> 带他们出去。

Go to the 5 inch.

=> 去5英寸。

- Surface TAO, kill track 5024.

=> - 表面TAO,*死轨道5024。

- Surface, aye.

=> - 表面,


=> 枪。

Kill track 5024.

=> *死轨道5024。

Guns, aye.

=> 枪,Aye。

You Okay? - Clear! - Come on.

=> 你好吗? - 清除! - 来吧。

- Where's Dr.

=> - 博士在哪里

Scott? - She's banged up.

=> 斯科特? - 她被打了

Doc's looking at her in Hangar 2.

=> Doc在Hangar 2看着她。

What did he say? The cure.

=> 他说什么?治愈。

He wants the cure.

=> 他想要治疗。

All are accounted for.

=> 所有的都是占了。

Are we at war? Get me Fleet Forces.

=> 我们在战争吗?给我舰队。

Get me NMCC.

=> 给我NMCC。

If they don't answer, get me SECDEF.

=> 如果他们不回答,给我SECDEF。

- Supposed to be radio silent.

=> - 假设是无线电沉默。

- Not anymore.

=> - 不再。

I told you I'm fine.

=> 我告诉过你我很好

Just hurry up.

=> 快点

Where's Quincy? I need my samples.

=> 昆西在哪里?我需要我的样品。

You don't get your samples until you tell me what's going on here.

=> 直到你告诉我这里发生了什么,你才能得到你的样本。

You have no authority over me.

=> 你对我毫无权威。

Everybody out.

=> 大家都出来

You need to hand that case to me.

=> 你需要把这个案子交给我

We may have just gone to war with Russia, and they were after you.

=> 我们可能刚刚和俄罗斯开战了,他们跟着你。

No more secrets.

=> 没有更多的秘密。

Tell me about the cure.

=> 告诉我有关治愈的方法。

I can't say anything.

=> 我什么都不能说。

I swear to God, I will throw this overboard! I want answers! You want answers? Seven months ago, outside Cairo, there was an outbreak.

=> 我向上帝发誓,我会抛弃这个过度的!我想要答案!你想要答案?七个月前,开罗以外的地区爆发了疫情。

A virus of unknown origin.

=> 来历不明的病毒。

Its genetic structure was like nothing any of us had ever seen.

=> 它的遗传结构像我们从未见过的一样。

It swept throughout the village, killing everyone that it infected.

=> 它横扫整个村庄,*死所有感染的人。

Egyptian officials claim the outbreak was contained, but it wasn't.

=> 埃及官员声称疫情被遏制,但事实并非如此。

Instead, it continued to mutate and spread.

=> 相反,它继续变异和传播。

The CDC and the WHO wanted to sample the virus and the victims to create a vaccine.

=> 疾病预防控制中心和世界卫生组织希望对病毒和受害者进行抽样,以制造疫苗。

But nothing worked.

=> 但没有任何工作。

It was my belief that we needed to find the primordial strain here in the Arctic.

=> 我相信我们需要在北极找到原始的压力。

The birds.

=> 那些鸟儿。

They're just the carriers.

=> 他们只是运营商。

They pick up the virus from the melting permafrost.

=> 他们从融化的冻土中捡起病毒。

We finally found their feeding ground.

=> 我们终于找到了他们的饲养场。

- You have what you need to stop this thing? - I won't know until we get it to the lab.

=> - 你有什么需要阻止这件事? - 我们不知道,直到我们到实验室。

We're running out of time.

=> 我们没时间了。

The virus is moving quicker than any of us could have imagined.

=> 病毒比我们任何人想象的都快。

How would you know that? We've been radio silent since Norfolk.

=> 你怎么知道?自从诺福克以来,我们一直是无线电的沉默。

Because I have my own satphone.

=> 因为我有我自己的电话。

We were at EMCON so no one would know our position.

=> 我们在EMCON,所以没有人会知道我们的立场。

We were at EMCON to protect my mission, not yours.

=> 我们在EMCON来保护我的使命,而不是你的使命。

Orders came from the White House.

=> 命令来自白宫。

Well, you led the Russians right to us and endangered my entire crew.

=> 那么,你把俄罗斯人带到我们身边,危及我的全体人员。

It was imperative I stay in contact with the labs back home to keep them informed of my progress.

=> 我必须和家里的实验室保持联系,让他们了解我的进展情况。

I don't think you understand what we're talking about here.

=> 我不认为你明白我们在这里谈论什么。

- Enlighten me.

=> - 开导我。

- When we left Norfolk the virus was at phase two limited to small clusters in Asia and Africa.

=> 当我们离开诺福克的时候,病毒已经进入第二阶段,只限于亚洲和非洲的小群。

We are now at phase six global pandemic.

=> 我们现在正处于第六阶段的全球大流行。

Eighty percent of the world's population is infected.

=> 全世界有百分之八十的人口受到感染。

The world is sick, Captain Chandler.

=> 钱德勒船长,世界很不舒服。

Very sick.

=> 重病。

Are you telling me the whole world is dying, and they sent two people to save it? It took weeks to convince the government to even send me here.

=> 你是在告诉我整个世界都快死了,他们派了两个人去救它吗?说服政府甚至把我送到这里花了几个礼拜。

- Most of my colleagues think that I'm insane.

=> - 我的大多数同事认为我疯了。

- Are you? I told you that what's in that case might be the only hope that we have.

=> - 你是?我告诉过你们,那可能是我们唯一的希望。

Captain? We have the president of the United States on the vidcom.

=> 队长?我们有vidcom美国总统。

I'm sorry you had to find out this way.

=> 对不起,你必须找出这个方法。

Can I have my samples now? Stand by for the president.

=> 我可以现在拿我的样品吗?等候总统。

- Good morning, commander.

=> - 司令,早上好

- Ma'am.

=> - 女士

I know, the last you heard I was Speaker of the House.

=> 我知道,你最后一次听到我是众议院议长。

The vice president a week later.


What's left of the federal government is holed up 200 feet below the White House and communication is getting spotty.

=> 联邦政府剩下的是白宫200英尺以下的地方,沟通越来越多。

So we need to know now: Does Dr.

=> 所以我们现在需要知道:Dr.

Scott have what she needs to make a vaccine? She thinks so, ma'am.

=> 斯科特有什么需要做疫苗?她这么认为,夫人。

We are sending you the coordinates to a secure bio-lab on the coast of North Carolina.

=> 我们将您的坐标发送到北卡罗来纳州海岸的一个安全的生物实验室。

Ma'am, we were just attacked by the Russians.

=> 女士,我们刚刚受到俄罗斯人的袭击。

Russia no longer has a functioning government.

=> 俄罗斯不再有一个有效的政府。

From what we're hearing, a breakaway force is operating on its own authority.

=> 从我们所听到的情况来看,分离的力量是在自己的权力之下进行的。

We're still trying to ascertain all the facts.

=> 我们仍在试图确定所有事实。

Ma'am, our families, how do we find out if? I wish I could tell you, captain.

=> 夫人,我们的家人,我们怎么知道呢?我希望我能告诉你,队长。

Most of our population, including our Armed Forces, is dying or dead.

=> 我们的大部分人,包括我们的武装部队,正在死亡或死亡。

We have no allies.

=> 我们没有盟友

We have no enemies.

=> 我们没有敌人

Just a world of sick, desperate people.

=> 只是一个生病,绝望的人的世界。

Your ship was fortunate enough to be out of the hot zone these past months.

=> 你的船有幸在过去的几个月里走出炎热地带。

If Dr.

=> 如果博士

Scott has the makings of a cure, you have to come home now.

=> 斯科特有治愈的气质,你必须现在回家。

Supply chains are completely broken.

=> 供应链被彻底打破。

Food is in short supply.

=> 食物供应不足。

Hospitals are-- Chinese government has detonated a bomb on its own people to stop the spread of the virus.

=> 医院是 - 中国政府已经引爆了自己的人民的炸弹,以阻止病毒的传播。

With possibly half the world's population dead or dying rumors that the U.

=> 世界上可能有一半人死亡或垂死的传闻说,



is hoarding a vaccine continue to swirl.

=> 囤积疫苗继续漩涡。

Urban services are overwhelmed.

=> 城市服务不堪重负。

In most cities, entire power grids are down, making communication next to impossible.

=> 在大多数城市,整个电网都在下降,通信几乎不可能。

The people are asking, "Where is the government?" The virus has no treatment, no vaccine.

=> 人们问:“政府在哪里?”病毒没有治疗,没有疫苗。

- So this whole weapons test-- - It was all just a cover.

=> 所以这整个武器测试 - 这只是一个封面。

And EMCON Alpha, keep us in the dark about what was going on at home.

=> 而EMCON Alpha则让我们对于家里发生的事情一无所知。

There's an unmanned refueling station off the coast of France.

=> 法国沿岸有一个无人加油站。

If we operate at trail shaft, we should just make it.

=> 如果我们在小径运行,我们应该做到这一点。

How do we know they have fuel to get us across the Atlantic? We don't.

=> 我们怎么知道他们有能力让我们穿越大西洋呢?我们没有。

- What will we tell the crew? - Everything.

=> - 我们会告诉船员? - 一切。

We tell them everything.

=> 我们告诉他们一切。

Captain? The crew's assembled.

=> 队长?船员的组装。

Ship's company, attention.

=> 船公司,关注。

I have news from home.

=> 我有家的消息。

Any station this net, this is Nathan James transmitting in the blind on FLEETSAT one, two and three.

=> 这个网的任何一个站,都是内森·詹姆斯在FLEETSAT的一个,两个和三个盲人传送。


=> 过度。

Is anybody out there? Due to widespread system failure the number you are calling cannot be reached.

=> 外面有人吗?由于广泛的系统故障,您拨打的号码无法到达。

This message will not be updated.

=> 此消息不会被更新。

Daddy! I can't believe I'm gonna go that long without hearing your voice.

=> 爸爸!我不敢相信我会在听不到你的声音的情况下这么久。

I miss you, Daddy.

=> 爸爸,我想你了。

Captain's on the bridge.

=> 船长在桥上。

Sir, we're 50 miles off the coast of Europe and still no contact with French Naval Command.

=> 主席先生,我们距离欧洲海岸50英里,与法国海军司令部没有任何联系。

We've got extra watch and guns at the ready.

=> 准备好了,我们有更多的手表和枪支。

Were you able to reach home? No, sir.

=> 你能到达家吗?不,先生。

I think only four people got through to anyone and the news wasn't good.

=> 我认为只有四个人接近任何人,消息不好。

Last time we made port in France I promised my girlfriend we'd come back and see Paris together.

=> 上次我们在法国做了一个港口,我答应我的女朋友,我们回来一起去巴黎。

With everything, that's all I keep thinking about.

=> 随着一切,这是我一直在想的。

Well, that's the stuff that matters.

=> 那么,这是重要的东西。

XO's on the bridge.

=> XO在桥上。

I got through to home.

=> 我到了家。

My boy's gone.

=> 我的孩子走了

Oh, Mike.

=> 哦,迈克。

Christine is up in Deer Park, some sort of safe zone, for now.

=> 克里斯汀现在在鹿园,某种安全区。

The girls are with her.

=> 女孩和她在一起。

- Why don't you take a break? - No, no.

=> - 你为什么不休息一下? - 不,不。

I'm not gonna sit around my cabin staring at the walls.

=> 我不会坐在我的小屋里盯着墙壁。

- This is where I need to be.

=> - 这是我需要的地方。

- Sir? We have a fire order.

=> - 先生?我们有一个消防命令。

It came across all channels, but it's garbled.

=> 它遇到了所有的渠道,但它是乱码。

They cannot authenticate.

=> 他们无法验证。

- Lieutenant? - Confirmed order.

=> - 中尉? - 确认的顺序。

Target's unclear.

=> 目标不清楚。

Vampire! Vampire! Vampire! Missile incoming high and fast.

=> 吸血鬼!吸血鬼!吸血鬼!导弹来袭高而快。

Spin four tomahawks.

=> 旋转四个战斧。

Hold for target location.

=> 保持目标位置。

Coordinates don't make sense.

=> 坐标没有意义。

- No response.

=> - 没有反应。

- ECO, aye.

=> - ECO,赞成


=> 打破。

MM1, align four echo missiles and place in the reload pool.

=> MM1,对齐四个回波导弹,并放在重装池中。

- Do we have a target ID? - Now, five-one and trail.

=> - 我们有目标ID吗? - 现在,五一,跟踪。

Missile fired from a surface ship in the North Atlantic.

=> 导弹从北大西洋的水面舰艇发射。

Ballistic missile traveling at 9700 miles per hour.

=> 弹道导弹以每小时9700英里的速度行进。

Confirmed, we have a nuclear bird in the air.

=> 证实,我们有一个核鸟在空中。

- We have no chance to intercept.

=> - 我们没有机会拦截

- Batten down.

=> - 放下。

Officer at the one, seal the ship.

=> 在那个官员,密封船。

Prepare for nuclear detonation.

=> 准备核爆炸。

This is no drill.

=> 这不是演习。

Sir, the missile overshot us.

=> 主席先生,导弹把我们打倒了。

Headed for land.

=> 朝向土地。

Detonation in 12 seconds.

=> 在12秒内爆炸。

Crew on the bridge, shield your eyes.

=> 船上的船员,保护你的眼睛。

God help us.

=> 上帝帮助我们。

I need a status report on the switchboard and generators.

=> 我需要一个关于交换机和发电机的状态报告。

- Who's that? - Chung, sir.

=> - 那是谁? - 钟先生

- Anyone hurt? - No, sir.

=> - 谁受伤了? - 不,先生。

What's our engine status? Sir, the electromagnetic pulse from the bomb blew our grid.

=> 我们的引擎状态是什么?主席先生,来自炸弹的电磁脉冲吹走了我们的电网。

Engines won't spin.

=> 发动机不会旋转。

No propulsion.

=> 没有推进力。

Emergency lights on battery power.

=> 电池电量应急灯。

- Captain? - That you, master chief? COMMO says the radios are down.

=> - 船长? - 你是首席总监? COMMO说收音机已经关闭了。

No way to get messages in or out.

=> 没有办法让信息进出。

Move this ship away from the blast zone.

=> 将这艘船从爆炸区移开。

Lieutenant, let's get those engines back online.

=> 上尉,让我们把这些引擎重新联机。

Yes, sir.

=> 是的先生。

- What temperature are we at? - 41 degrees.

=> - 我们在什么温度? - 41度。

We've lost negative pressure.

=> 我们已经失去了负面的压力

- Damn it.

=> - 该死的。

We're gonna lose everything.

=> 我们会失去一切

- Okay, get the ice.

=> - 好吧,拿冰块

Fuses in.

=> 保险丝在。

Open valves three, four and five.

=> 打开三,四,五个阀门。

Shut valve to auxiliary engines and emergency air.

=> 切断辅助发动机和应急空气阀。

- Fuel lever on start.

=> - 开始燃油杠杆。

- All right, give it a kick start.

=> - 好吧,开始吧。

Sir, we only have one more fuse.

=> 主席先生,我们只有一个保险丝。

Jet stream's pushing everything north-northeast.

=> 急流向东北方向推进。

We got a cloud of radiation about to drop right on us.

=> 我们得到了一片即将落在我们身上的辐射。

Give it to me.

=> 把它给我。

- Sir, it won't hold.

=> - 先生,这不会成立。

- It'll hold.

=> - 它会保持。

- Captain, let somebody else do this.

=> 上尉,让其他人这样做。

- Rip it.

=> - 撕开它。

- Get your hand out.

=> - 把你的手伸出来

- Captain, don't.

=> - 上尉,不要。



All engines ahead full.

=> 所有发动机全部提前。

Left full rudder.

=> 留下满舵。

Steady on new course 270.

=> 稳定新课程270。

- What's our fuel percentage? - Eleven percent, sir.

=> - 我们的燃料比例是多少? - 百分之十一,先生

Even at max conserve, we'll run dry in six hours.

=> 即使在最大限度的保存,我们将在六个小时内干燥。

- Any contacts on surface search? - No, sir, 30-mile range.

=> - 表面搜索的任何联系人? - 不,先生,30英里的范围。

- What is that in the radar shadow? - Change range scale.

=> - 雷达的影子是什么? - 更改范围比例。

Looks like a ship.

=> 看起来像一艘船。

Calculate a course to intercept.

=> 计算一个拦截过程。

Markings indicate the ship is Italian.

=> 标记表明该船是意大利人。

- Bridge to Bridge operational? - I think so, sir.

=> - 桥到桥运作? - 我想是的,先生。

Vessel in vicinity 48 degrees north, this is U.

=> 北纬48度附近的船只,这是美国。



Navy Warship 151 on your starboard bow.

=> 右舷弓上的海军军舰151。

Acknowledge and identify yourself.

=> 承认并确认你自己。


=> 过度。

Smith, Rowler, Benz, Green, you're on provisions.

=> 史密斯,罗勒,奔驰,格林,你是在规定。

Master chief, you'll assist Chung with the unrep.

=> 师长,你帮忙和unre Chung。

We get as much food and fuel as we can, and we get out.

=> 我们得到尽可能多的食物和燃料,我们就出去了。

Let's move.

=> 让我们继续前进。

Remember, if the ship has been impacted by the virus, it's airborne and highly, highly contagious.

=> 请记住,如果这艘船受到病毒的影响,它是空中传播的,高度传染性强。

Even from a recently deceased corpse.

=> 即使从最近已故的尸体。

You must keep your helmets on at all times.

=> 你必须随时保持你的头盔。

You trained for this.

=> 你为此训练。

You can do it.

=> 你能行的。

Send Naval Warfare to the kitchen.

=> 发送海战到厨房。

Get as much food and supplies as you can.

=> 获得尽可能多的食物和用品,你可以。

We got the stock rooms.

=> 我们拿到了库房。

Benzo and I will make our way to the galley.

=> 我和Benzo将走向厨房。

- Get that fuel line across and pump it.

=> - 把那条燃油管路通过并泵送。

- Sending the pull line.

=> - 发送拉线。

Sending over the hose.

=> 通过软管发送。

Feed the line.

=> 喂线。

Engineering, Bridge.

=> 工程,桥梁。

Engage fueling.

=> 参与加油。

System online.

=> 系统在线。

Commence fueling.

=> 开始加油。

Ship's clear.

=> 船清楚。

No one alive, Commander Chandler.

=> 钱德司令还活着。


=> 过度。


=> 博士

Scott! He wants help.

=> 斯科特!他想要帮助。

The only thing that can help him is morphine.

=> 唯一可以帮助他的是吗啡。

Let go.

=> 松手。

Let go.

=> 松手。

Oh, shit! Benzo! Oh! Damn it.

=> 妈的!苯并!哦!该死的。

- Put your mask on.

=> - 把你的面具上。

- No, it's off! Oh, shit.

=> - 不,它关闭了!妈的。

Frankie, hey.

=> 弗兰基,嘿。

Frankie, it's all right.

=> 弗兰基,没关系。

Look, get up.

=> 看,起来

Get away, man.

=> 走开,男人。

Get away! Master chief, we're running dry here.

=> 逃离!师长,我们在这儿干了

- Engineering, Bridge.

=> - 工程,桥梁。


=> 脱离。

- Yes, sir.

=> - 是的先生。

- They've got it, Chung.

=> - 他们知道了,钟

Let's get out of here.

=> 我们离开这里

- Yes, sir.

=> - 是的先生。

- You're gonna be fine.

=> - 你会好的。

- Get away.

=> - 逃离。

Just take the food and go get the hell out of here.

=> 只要把食物拿出来就可以了。

- I am not leaving you, Frankie.

=> - 我不会离开你的,弗兰基。

- I'm a dead man.

=> 我是个死人

Just get out of here.

=> 刚刚离开这里

No, man.

=> 无人。

I'm not leaving you.

=> 我不会离开你

You tell him.

=> 你告诉他。

He's been exposed.

=> 他已经暴露。

We put him back in his suit and we quarantine him on the ship.

=> 我们把他放回西装,我们把他隔离在船上。

You can't risk it, sir.

=> 先生,你不能冒险。

Mission comes first.

=> 使命首先。

I'm not too interested in dying like these people.

=> 我对这些人死亡不感兴趣。

Give me the gun, sailor.

=> 给我枪,水手。

Frankie, don't be stupid.

=> 弗兰克,别傻了。

I am giving you a direct order! Put down that weapon! Frankie, no! Lord God, by the power of your word you stilled the chaos of the primeval seas made the raging waters of the flood subside and calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee.

=> 我给你一个直接的订单!放下那个武器!弗兰基,不!上帝啊,凭借你的话语力量,你可以把原始海洋的混乱淹没,使得洪水泛滥的水域消退,并使加利利海的风暴平静下来。

As we commit our brother, Franklin Edward Benz, to the sea grant him peace and tranquility until that day when Franklin and all those who believe in you will be raised to the glory of new life promised in the waters of baptism.

=> 当我们把我们的兄弟,富兰克林·爱德华·奔驰(Franklin Edward Benz)交给海洋时,让他平静安祥,直到那天富兰克林和所有相信你的人都将被提升到在洗礼的海洋中应许的新生活的荣耀。


=> 阿门。

Left face.

=> 左脸

Present arms.

=> 目前的武器。


=> 准备。


=> 目标。


=> 火。


=> 火。


=> 准备。


=> 火。

These people depend on me.

=> 这些人依靠我。

I'm in uncharted territory here.

=> 我在这个未知的领域。

We all are.

=> 我们都是。

Not you.

=> 不是你。

You saw this coming.

=> 你看到了这个。

I never thought it would spread so fast.

=> 我从来没有想过它会传播得这么快。

But now I know why it did.

=> 但是现在我知道它为什么这样做了。

I compared the blood that we took from the Italian to some samples I took before we left.

=> 我把我们从意大利人那里得到的鲜血与我们走之前采集的一些样本进行了比较。

The virus has an extra gene now which could have only been added with human intervention.

=> 现在病毒有一个额外的基因,只能在人为干预的情况下加入。

So it was weaponized.

=> 所以这是武器化。

Maybe, or maybe it escaped from a lab somehow.

=> 也许,或者也许是从某个实验室逃跑了。

But I think I know how to stop it.

=> 但是我想我知道如何阻止它。

All the virus cares about is replicating.

=> 所有病毒关心的是复制。

The engineered version lets it do that, unchecked.

=> 设计的版本可以做到这一点,没有选中。

So it no longer needs to mutate which makes it stable and easier to defeat with a vaccine.

=> 所以它不再需要进行变异,这使得稳定和容易地用疫苗击败。

Then why hasn't anybody done that yet? Because they didn't have the primordial sample.

=> 那为什么还没有人做到这一点呢?因为他们没有原始样本。

We do.

=> 我们的确是。

Bridge, COMMO.

=> 桥,COMMO。

Get me the captain.

=> 把我当上尉

Sir, we finally got the comms up.

=> 先生,我们终于收到了通讯。

This came through.

=> 这是通过。

A message from POTUS.

=> 来自POTUS的消息。

- This is five days old.

=> - 这是五天了。

- Transmitted while radios were down.

=> - 无线电下降时传输。

We need to confirm these.

=> 我们需要确认这些。

Get me the Pentagon.

=> 给我五角大楼。

- Sir, I've been trying, but there's no answer.

=> - 先生,我一直在尝试,但没有答案。

- I'll try the lab.

=> - 我会尝试实验室。

Get the presidential bunker.

=> 得到总统掩体。

North Carolina's not safe.

=> 北卡罗莱纳州不安全。

President wants us to change course.

=> 总统希望我们改变过程。

There's a lab in Jacksonville that's secure.

=> 杰克逊维尔有一个安全的实验室。

No answer there or the Pentagon.

=> 那里没有答案或五角大楼。

Sir, nothing from the bunker.

=> 主席先生,没有从地堡。

Signal's not getting out.

=> 信号没有出去

Checked the transmit side? That's not the problem.

=> 检查发送端?这不是问题。

Their phones are ringing.

=> 他们的电话响了。

Sir, I have another message coming through.

=> 主席先生,我还有一个消息传来。

It was transmitted at the same time as POTUS'.

=> 它与POTUS同时发送。

It looks like a much bigger file.

=> 它看起来像一个更大的文件。

- It's an mpeg, sir.

=> - 这是一个mpeg,先生。

- Play it.

=> - 播放。


=> 汤姆。

We're at your father's cabin.

=> 我们在你父亲的小屋里

He thinks he has a way to get this message out through his contacts at the Pentagon.

=> 他认为他有办法通过他在五角大楼的接触来传达这个信息。

I have no idea when you might be seeing this or where you are.

=> 我不知道你什么时候可以看到这个或你在哪里。

We're all healthy.

=> 我们都健康。

We managed to get out early and have been up here for a couple months already.

=> 我们设法早早出门,已经在这里待了几个月了。

We haven't heard anything from your brother or sister for a while.

=> 我们有一段时间没有听到你哥哥或姐姐的消息。

My, um My sister didn't make it.

=> 我的,呃,我的妹妹没有做到。

But, honey, we're fine.

=> 但是,亲爱的,我们很好。

We really are.

=> 我们真的是。

And I really hope that you are too.

=> 我真的希望你也是。

Oh, uh Kids.

=> 哦,孩子们。

Come on out here.

=> 出来吧

It's a tape for Dad.

=> 这是一个爸爸的磁带。

Come on.

=> 来吧。


=> 来。

Come say hi.

=> 来打个招呼吧

Daddy, where are you? We miss you.

=> 爸爸,你在哪里?我们想念你。

We love you, Daddy.

=> 爸爸,我们爱你。

Just get here if you can.

=> 如果可以,请到这里。

We love you so much.

=> 我们都很喜欢你。


=> 好的。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Let's turn it off.

=> 让我们把它关掉。


=> 嘿。

No radiation detected within a hundred-mile radius, sir.


If America was nuked, it wasn't here.

=> 如果美国被掩盖,那不是在这里。

We're home.

=> 我们回家了

You said you have what it takes to make the vaccine.

=> 你说你有什么需要做疫苗。

If you had to, could you do it here on the ship? The lab wasn't built for that.

=> 如果你不得不,你可以在船上做吗?实验室不是为此而建造的。

- It's for collecting data.

=> - 这是为了收集数据。

- But if you had to, could you? The expeditionary team will forward deploy and secure the area for the next group.

=> - 但是如果你不得不,可以吗?远征队将为下一个小组进行部署和保卫。

Hopefully, we'll find support.

=> 希望我们能找到支持。

Gotta be prepared for anything.

=> 要为任何事情做好准备。

Everyone carries their own biohazard suit.

=> 每个人都有自己的生物危害诉讼。

We do not engage unless we are engaged.

=> 除非我们订婚,否则我们不会参与。

Prepare your people, await further orders.

=> 准备你的人,等待进一步的命令。


=> 驳回。

Still no answer from POTUS and nothing from Mayport or the lab.

=> 仍然没有来自POTUS的回答,也没有从Mayport或实验室得到答案。

We can't even get an FM radio signal.

=> 我们甚至无法获得FM广播信号。

If the power grid's down, everything's down.

=> 如果电网下降,一切都会下降。

We'll know more when we get boots on the ground.

=> 当我们在地面上得到靴子,我们会知道更多。

Mike, we're not going home.

=> 迈克,我们不回家。

What are you talking about? The lab's 200 miles inland.

=> 你在说什么?实验室内陆200英里。

You saw the news footage.

=> 你看到了新闻片段。

- We'll fight our way in there if we have to.

=> - 如果必须的话,我们会在那里打我们的路。

- And then what? Generators run out in a couple of weeks.

=> - 然后什么?发电机在几个星期内耗尽。

Maybe civilian population tries to overrun it.

=> 也许平民试图超越它。

- Too many variables.

=> - 变量太多

- What do we do, we stay on the ship? Dr.

=> - 我们做什么,我们留在船上?博士

Scott says she has what she needs here.

=> 斯科特说她有这里所需要的东西。

We have orders from the president of the United States.

=> 我们有美国总统的命令。

From five days ago.

=> 从五天前。

In the absence of command structure I decide what's in the best interest of our mission.

=> 在没有指挥结构的情况下,我决定我们的使命最有利于什么。

And we have enough food here to last us, what, a week? - How much fuel? - We'll find what we need.

=> 我们有足够的食物来维持我们,一个星期呢? - 多少油? - 我们会找到我们需要的。

- We'll die out there.

=> - 我们会死在那里

- No, we will not.

=> - 不,我们不会。

Tom, I appreciate what you're trying to do.

=> 汤姆,我很欣赏你想要做的事情。

It's not gonna work.

=> 这不会工作。

People wanna get home.

=> 人们想回家。

And who exactly gets to go home when we have 80 biohazard suits for 216 people? - We draw lots.

=> 当我们有216人的80件生物危机服装时,究竟谁能回家? - 我们抽签

- I can't think like that, Mike.

=> - 我想不出来,迈克。

Give people a chance to get back to their families, to say goodbye.

=> 给人们一个回家的机会,说再见。

I'm not letting anybody on this ship give up.

=> 我不会让这艘船上的任何人放弃。

- It's not your call.

=> - 这不是你的电话。

You don't get to play God.

=> 你不玩上帝。

- I'm still the captain of this ship.

=> 我还是这艘船的船长

Now, I've laid out our mission.

=> 现在,我已经完成了我们的使命。

I expect you to fall in line.

=> 我希望你能排在第一位

Captain's on the bridge.

=> 船长在桥上。

Left full rudder.

=> 留下满舵。

All engines ahead flank.

=> 所有发动机前方侧面。

Sir? Left full rudder.

=> 先生?留下满舵。

All engines ahead flank.

=> 所有发动机前方侧面。

AYE, aye.

=> 好的好的。

Left full rudder.

=> 留下满舵。

All engines ahead flank.

=> 所有发动机前方侧面。

Left full rudder.

=> 留下满舵。

All engines ahead flank, aye.

=> 所有的发动机都在前方。

This is the captain speaking.

=> 这是船长的发言。

We have no contact with home, and I have good reason to believe the American government is no longer functioning.

=> 我们与国内没有任何联系,我有充分的理由相信美国政府不再运作。

The country we all hoped we were coming back to no longer exists.

=> 我们都希望我们回来的国家已经不存在了。

We left these shores four months ago as members of the United States Navy but now we are more than that.

=> 我们四个月前离开这些海岸,成为美国海军的成员,但现在我们不止这些。

Now our duty is to the entire world.

=> 现在我们的责任是对整个世界。

On board this ship is the hope for our futures, for our families, and for all humanity.

=> 在这艘船上是我们未来的希望,对我们的家庭和全人类都是希望。

Because in that lab in our helo bay are the ingredients for a cure and this is the safest place on Earth for our scientists to do their work.

=> 因为在我们海洛湾的那个实验室是治疗的成分,而且这是我们的科学家们在工作上最安全的地方。

On a 3-billion-dollar piece of machinery protected by 216 sailors in the U.

=> 在美国,有216名水手保护了一个价值30亿美元的机器。




=> 海军。

Our mission now is simple.

=> 我们的使命现在很简单。

We do whatever it takes to stay alive at sea until they find that cure.

=> 我们尽一切努力在海上活下去,直到找到治愈的方法。

There's an unmanned food and fuel station outside Guantánamo Bay.

=> 关塔那摩湾外有一个无人食物加油站。

For the moment, that is our destination.

=> 目前,这是我们的目的地。

We've lost so much already but this is the most courageous and resilient crew with whom I have ever been privileged to serve.

=> 我们已经失去了这么多,但这是我曾经有幸服务的最勇敢和最有弹性的船员。

We will come through this together, and we will prevail.

=> 我们将通过这一起来,我们将占上风。

Carry on.

=> 继续。

Attention on deck.

=> 注意甲板上。

Lieutenant Granderson, permission to salute the captain.

=> 格兰德森中尉,许可向队长致敬。

Permission granted.

=> 许可授予。

And salute.

=> 并致敬。





2023-05-27 08:22:09查看全文 >>




2023-05-27 08:38:41查看全文 >>




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美剧末日孤舰第二季合集(末日孤舰第三季 合集)

美剧末日孤舰第二季合集(末日孤舰第三季 合集)


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《The Last Ship:末日孤舰》是由TNT电视台製作的末日冒险剧,叙述一艘美国海军驱逐舰在世界被致命病毒席捲后,...

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